viernes, 19 de noviembre de 2010

Your experience learning English at University/A reflection

University has always been very different from school to me and this course isn’t an exception. At school, we had a lot of theory classes and some listening sections, not much talking. The teacher talked in English or “spanglish”, but there wasn’t an interaction between people of the classroom -like in University-. I didn’t learn the most part of the words I know of this language in that place, but it was useful to understand the basic vocabulary. Then I started to translate some of the songs of my favourite musical groups. When I analyze those translations now, I can notice I have improved, because of the mistakes I find there. In 2007, I won a scholarship to learn English for three months in “Wallstreet Institute” and I must say I hated it with great part of my heart, so I went to something like four sessions and I got to leave it. The thing was they had an innovative way of study English, a variation of listening sections: self-teaching. You had to listen to conversations between recorded people and then answer some questions to pass the units and there were talking sections with students and a teacher too, ok, well. But there was this annoying loud lady voice I had to listen with too tight earphones. I travelled a long way to get there and I didn’t want to leave the place with a strong headache. I wasted the opportunity to learn a bit more, I recognize it, but I wasn’t going to pay for the course after, so no problem. Comparing it to University, I like more this place, I don’t get great marks in the talking part, because in general and above all in another language I expressed better writing. I use to forget English words when I’m talking. Anyway, I like this class isn’t stressful as some other ones and I think it’s more enjoyable than that institute. I don’t like it’s far from the Medicine Faculty and I think it’s not the best English program, but it’s one of the bests where I’ve been.

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