At primary school, sometimes I got very anxious when I was about to have an evaluation, I had a knot in my stomach so unbearable in occasions that I couldn’t go to do the test, but I was a good student anyway. Some things have changed since my early years. Now, I don’t get all that nervousness, because I almost never feel prepared to an evaluation, so in those cases I think I deserve bad marks and the new feeling isn’t exactly the one I had as a kid, it’s more like stress and depression, with the apparent fact of not achieve something relevant to “my future”, considering that I’m living in a place very far from home and I displeased Santiago a lot -now this thought have changed-, but before I leaved Temuco I felt really useless so I needed to prove I could make things by myself. I did it, in a way, but marks didn’t improve. I -not always- think I’m capable to be a better student, but concentration and insecurity are my annoying limitations. So, I believe -like self-help books and many people say- it’s necessary to have an escape. Energy starts to accumulate and what else to do? Use it! I don’t mean stressed persons got to start banging fists on trees… ok, maybe concrete, but not nature! Anyway, my manner to get stress away is to do some kind of exercise, like jogging in the hill, it helps to start again with a revitalized organism; I mentioned it in another post. It depends on the person, of course. The most important thing is to do what we know can make us change the uncomfortable mood: listen to music or the sound of a river, being in a natural place or different from the actual one, do some art, be with friends… That’s the way I think it’s possible to deal with stress.
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